Day 4 - Aviemore to Perth

Distance: 86.8 miles Elevation: 3218 ft Average speed: 12.4 mph Another early start as this was the furthest daily distance of the whole trip. As we packed up the bikes, a couple of fellow travellers arrived with their steeds - electric fat bikes! We were rather jealous as we looked at our leg-powered skinny tyres, and hoped our route would be kind to us (spoiler: Ha!) The weather was overcast, however the promised headwind still hadn't materialised and the loch was glassy smooth as we rolled out of Aviemore. Contemplating the day ahead We pulled over for a banana/flapjack stop in Newtonmore, where the wet roads suggested that we'd managed to miss the worst of the early rain. As we left again, we had one of the highlights of the trip so far for Dad as a red squirrel ran across the road in front of him (fortunately avoiding our wheels!). We met up with Mum at the Snack Shack in Dalwhinnie, having followed a nice qui...