Day 11 - Orleton to Bristol

Distance: 69.6 miles Elevation: 4108ft Average speed: 10.7 mph Ride report: Disclaimer: Picture above is taken from Dad's ride - I was a muppet and accidentally turned off my Garmin's recording in Monmouth, so had to restart it. We set off from Orleton with decent weather, but it wasn't long before we stopped to put the jackets on as the rain came on. We played a bit of a game of tag with some local club cyclists who'd lost the rest of their group - wonder if they ever found them? The rain stopped, and we took the jackets off. Next time it came on again, we didn't bother with them, which was probably a mistake as when we arrived in Hereford, it absolutely bucketed down, and we couldn't hide as we were stuck in traffic! We met Mum near the south of the town where she'd done her usual excellent job of locating the nearest bike racks for us! They were outside De Koffie Pot, which Mum recommended as ...